March 11, 2024: Current Protocols

The CDC has released new guidance for all respiratory viruses including COVID-19. You may now stop isolating once your symptoms are reducing and you  have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication.  You can learn more by visiting this guidance page from the CDC: 
Preventing Spread of Respiratory Viruses When You Are Sick

RVCC COVID Protocols: Masks are optional in all areas of campus.

Please note that you may be asked to wear a mask in the following circumstances:

• If required by your faculty for an activity or simulation;
If you are symptomatic;
• If an individual asks you to wear a mask around them, please continue to demonstrate kindness and commitment to one another and respect their request.

We will continue to provide masks on campus for your use.

Please note these other important points:

• Should circumstances with COVID-19 change, indoor mask guidance may shift back to being more restrictive.
• Students should continue to follow the guidelines of their clinical placements and other off-campus field sites.
• Should you test positive for COVID-19, please follow current CDC guidance.

We continue to urge you to be vaccinated and boosted if you are not already, and to remain home and test if you are ill.

Previous COVID Guidance

COVID Protocols: Masks are optional in all areas of campus.

Please note that you may be asked to wear a mask in the following circumstances:

• If required by your faculty for an activity or simulation;
• If you are symptomatic;
• If an individual asks you to wear a mask around them, please continue to demonstrate kindness and commitment to one another and respect their request.

We will continue to provide masks on campus for your use.

Please note these other important points:

• Should circumstances with COVID-19 change, indoor mask guidance may shift back to being more restrictive.
• Students should continue to follow the guidelines of their clinical placements and other off-campus field sites.
• Should you test positive for COVID-19, please follow current CDC guidance.

We continue to urge you to be vaccinated and boosted if you are not already, and to remain home and test if you are ill.

COVID Protocols: Masks are recommended but not required in all areas of campus with the following caveats:

*In situations which simulate a clinical experience;
*In certain circumstances, when the College dictates the use of masks to limit involuntary risk for staff, faculty, and students who must be present for a function;
* People who are symptomatic must mask around others;
*When an individual asks you to wear a mask around them, please continue to demonstrate kindness and commitment to one another, respect their request, and mask up. Carry a mask at all times for this reason. We will also continue to provide them on campus.

Please note these other important points:

• Should circumstances with COVID-19 change, indoor mask guidance may shift back to being more restrictive.
• Students should continue to follow the guidelines of their clinical placements and other off-campus field sites.

We continue to urge you to be vaccinated and boosted if you are not already, and to remain home and test if you are ill.
Wishing you all a healthy and successful semester!

I write to thank you for your diligence in keeping our community free of COVID. In the two years of the pandemic, while we have had cases within our community, we have never had an incidence of community spread. This is thanks to your vigilance in wearing masks and other PPE, staying home when you are ill, testing often, and reporting positive cases quickly. It is also thanks to faculty who have been gracious and flexible in allowing extensions, Zoom options, and makeup labs and exams.

We are pleased to report that we have no positive cases at RVCC, and the numbers in all three of our sending counties are the lowest they have been in some time.

As of Monday, March 21, 2022, we will move to masks required in classrooms and meetings only. Masks will be recommended but not required in all other areas of campus with the following caveats:

* In certain circumstances, when the College dictates the use of masks to limit involuntary risk for staff, faculty, and students who must be present for a function;
* People who are symptomatic must mask around others;
*When an individual asks you to wear a mask around them, please continue to demonstrate kindness and commitment to one another, respect their request, and mask up. Carry a mask at all times for this reason. We will also continue to provide them on campus.

Please note these other important points:

• Should circumstances with COVID-19 change, indoor mask guidance may shift back to being more restrictive.
• Students should continue to follow the guidelines of their clinical placements and other off-campus field sites.

We continue to urge you to be vaccinated and boosted if you are not already, and to remain home and test if you are ill.
Wishing you all a healthy remainder of the semester!

January 16, 2022 : Message from Vice President Cournoyer

Welcome to the spring semester!

We hope that you enjoyed your holiday break and are ready to start your classes on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.

Please remember to follow our COVID protocols.  You must remain masked while on campus and use a face shield if you are working within 3 feet of someone.  You may remove your mask to eat at designated tables in the Falcon Room in Claremont, in the kitchen area in Lebanon, or in unoccupied classrooms/offices in Keene.  Please maintain social distancing.  We encourage you to get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Should you have questions about this or any other policy, please check out our student handbook:

If you test positive for COVID, please remain at home and contact the office of the Vice President via this form.

Once again, student life has put together a wonderful slate of Welcome Week events. You can find information about events on the student life website.

You have each been assigned a staff member as a Remote Liaison who will reach out to you during the first two weeks to see how things are going and answer any questions you might have. Along with your advisor and your faculty, your remote liaison will be a great resource and support to you throughout the semester.

All of our services are open to you, so please come use the library, visit the bookstore, or grab some food for dinner from the pantry. 

Have a safe and wonderful semester!

*RVCC encourages you to get vaccinated.  An individual is considered “fully vaccinated” when they are at least 14 days beyond completion of the recommended COVID-19 vaccine series.

*Masks are required; as well as 6-feet social distancing. 
**Individuals may remove masks to eat drink in the Falcon Room in Claremont, the kitchen in Lebanon, or may use an empty classroom or office in Keene.  We also encourage students and employees to eat and take mask breaks outside weather permitting.

*Do not come to campus if you are experiencing symptoms such as those associated with the flu or common cold. Students should contact their professor for arrangements. Employees should contact their supervisor.

*Temperature screeners will remain at RVCC entrances for you to use to take your temperature. 

*Students who test positive for COVID should contact Vice President Cournoyer at 603.724.4585.  Employees should contact HR at 603.892.4026.

**Reminder: the Student Code of Conduct requires that students follow the directives of their instructors and college officials.  Failure to comply with COVID protocols may result in Code of Conduct sanctions.

*RVCC encourages you to get vaccinated.  An individual is considered “fully vaccinated” when they are at least 14 days beyond completion of the recommended COVID-19 vaccine series.

*You are no longer required to fill out the COVID-19 check-in form.

*Temperature screeners will remain at RVCC entrances for you to use to take your temperature. 

*Masks are optional; however, we are still enforcing 6-feet social distancing.  If you are working in close proximity to others, please wear a mask.
**Reminder: the Student Code of Conduct requires that students follow the directives of their instructors.  There may be times when you are required by your instructor to wear a mask for your safety and the safety of others. Failure to comply may result in Code of Conduct sanctions.

*Do not come to campus if you are experiencing symptoms such as those associated with the flu or common cold. Students should contact their professor for arrangements. Employees should contact their supervisor.

*Students who test positive for COVID should contact Vice President Cournoyer at 603.724.4585.  Employees should contact HR at 603.892.4026.

RVCC has responded proactively to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we return to more on-ground classes and operations in the fall semester, we are actively planning and adopting new procedures and practices which are summarized within this document.

 RVCC’s Reopening Task Force meets regularly to discuss various procedures and issues in a timely manner. The Task Force has included key personnel from all areas at the College.

  1. Spring 2020 Courses
    1. Due to the dedication and diligence of our faculty and staff, all spring classes were completed with appropriate social distancing and safety precautions.
  2. Summer 2020 Courses
    1. All summer classes were moved online, with the exception of on-site technical classes which required lab or hands-on experiences. On-site classes were performed following all social distancing and PPE guidelines. Faculty have been creative, including creating individual A&P kits and mailing them to each student in order to continue experiential learning.
  3. Fall 2020 Courses
    1. Fall classes have been assigned strategically. Many Liberal Arts class will remain online.  This will open classroom space so that we can spread out classes for labs to assure safe social distancing.
  4. Instruction and Adjuncts
    1. Faculty and adjuncts have been provided with multiple sessions and workshops on transitioning classes previously only ever done on-campus to online. These have been well attended. Department Chairs and Program Coordinators have worked willingly and diligently with all of their adjuncts to create effective online environments. All of this work has been done proactively with great enthusiasm and positive attitudes, with many of our faculty voluntarily going the extra mile.
    2. The Department Chairs and HR have developed communication and language within adjunct contracts to ensure adjuncts understand the need for summer and fall classes to be able to be fully online or move to online format quickly should another COVID surge occur in our area. Adjuncts will be set up for success in their classes, regardless of the pandemic situation.
  1. We have taken a proactive and transparent approach to our communication of all plans and needs. RVCC employees have remained positive in their response to changes in daily operations and activities.
  2. Beginning in mid-March and lasting throughout the spring term, the RVCC Leadership team met consistently (via Zoom) 2-3 times per week with all staff managers and department heads to share updates, gather feedback and input, and to outline new procedures. These sessions have proved invaluable and have garnered positive response regarding RVCC’s handling of the pandemic.
  3. Email communications have been sent out to all faculty and staff which covered the following:
    • Compliance with the NH Stay at Home Order 2.0
    • Working towards a return to campus on 6/1
    • Taskforce names for contributing ideas and needs
    • Self-reporting form requirement for coming on-campus
    • Preparations being made for student interactions, facilities, etc.
  4. All College meetings have been held, attended by nearly every faculty and staff (via zoom), covering much of the planning that had been done and the upcoming procedures for the summer and fall.
  5. A dedicated COVID-19 web page is updated regularly.
  6. The President has recorded videos for students with pertinent information updated every other week.
  7. The college communicates regularly to its external partners on its status, procedures and plans.
  1. On May 2, we developed an online check-in form to comply with the Governor’s order for symptom monitoring and attestation. This form has since been adopted by all of CCSNH. We have been requiring use of this form for our maintenance and all on-site employees, students, and visitors. We will continue to do this and be in active communication with anyone who declares unprotected COVID exposure or symptoms.
  1. Cleaning
    1. Since March, we have been using additional cleaning practices, over and beyond our regular daily cleaning schedule. This includes focusing on high-touch points such as door handles, counter tops and tables, computer stations, water fountains, hand rails, etc.
    2. All on-ground class schedules have been arranged to assure adequate time to clean classrooms between classes.
    3. Cleaning protocols have been posted for all classroom instructors and students to clean personal work areas, use PPE, and replenish missing supplies.
  2. Masks and PPE
    1. Appropriate face coverings and/or other protective gear are required in all public areas. This includes classrooms, hallways, bathrooms and paths to/from vehicles.
    2. Masks and face shields are provided at every entrance to those who do not have their own.
    3. We continue to keep a sufficient stock of PPE, including face masks, gowns, face shields, and gloves.
  3. Building Access
    1. Building access is actively monitored. We have restricted public access since March and have kept detailed record of employees coming to work on-site for tracing purposes. During the summer, we allowed students on campus only per-appointment or for classes and continuing labs critical to meet in-person hours.
    2. Any student who needs to enter the building is either delivered materials (computers, food, etc.) to their vehicle or met at the entrance and escorted by the person meeting with the student.
  4. Classrooms and Public Spaces
    1. All classrooms and labs have been redesigned for 6 feet distancing, which included taking out extra furniture and computer stations. Lower classroom capacities and occupancy limits have been established for all rooms.
    2. Common areas have been redesigned to limit congregation in close space. For example, we have removed numerous tables from the cafeteria so that individuals using the space can conform with social distancing.
    3. Classrooms have been stocked with disinfectant wipes, gloves, and masks. Safety rules are posted in every classroom to comply with CDC guidelines.
  5. Space Planning
    1. Plexiglas shields have been installed in all service areas to protect our employees and students during interactions.
    2. Plexiglas stations have been set up in a large classroom to allow students to work one on one with staff with appropriate protection and distancing.
  1. Workloads
    1. Employees who have lessened workloads due to lack of on-ground activities have been assigned to assist other functional areas (in compliance with established policies and procedures). Thus all employees have steady and consistent work to be performed, whether on-ground or remote.
  2. Schedules and Remote Work
    1. We moved almost all operations to remote work mid-March, providing for all technical needs, without any issues.
    2. The RVCC leadership team continues to work proactively with all managers to monitor employee schedules, both remote and on-ground. Since more on-ground operations began on June 1st, we have asked all managers to create fair and equitable schedules for their teams to meet their functional area needs and still remain flexible for remote work and childcare needs. The goal of scheduling is to complete the necessary work but utilize remote schedules as much as possible so that there is not a large congregation of employees on campus nor a large congregation of employees in one office space.

Protocol for attending on-ground classes:

  1. Take your temperature before leaving the house;
    1. If your temperature is above 100.0, do not come to campus. Contact your instructor(s) to arrange remote learning.
  2. Fill out your attestation form: (;
  3. When you arrive on campus proceed as following:
    1. Claremont: Park in back and check in at back door
    2. Lebanon: Park in back and check in at back door
    3. Keene*: proceed directly to your classroom. If visiting the Cheshire House, check in at back door.

*Students attending class at Keene State will receive a follow-up email detailing additional protocols for RVCC@KSC.

When you enter the building, you will receive a temperature check and staff will ensure you are wearing a mask.

Please note:

Masks must cover your mouth and nose and must be worn while on campus, including while in the classroom. Cloth masks should be free of objectionable or distracting images that might disrupt the educational process. Disposable masks will always be available at the entrance of all three RVCC locations.

You can remove your mask when outdoors or when seated in the Falcon Room (Claremont) or the kitchen (Lebanon) to eat.

The Cheshire House does not have an indoor area to safely eat food. If you are taking classes in Keene, you may eat outside at the Cheshire House, or in the Young Student Center.

If you test positive for COVID-19:

  1. Contact Jennifer Cournoyer (603.724.4585).
  2. Contact your instructors to arrange remote learning.
  3. Our contact tracing team will be in touch with you.
Previous COVID Posts

FIRST REPORT on American Rescue Plan Emergency Grants to Students



CARES Act Emergency Grants to Students

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)

July 6, 2020

Under  Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,  a total funding allocation was established for River Valley Community College (RVCC),  with at least 50 percent reserved to provide students with emergency financial aid grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.

River Valley Community College submitted a signed “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement”  to the US  Department of Education for the emergency financial aid grants to students portion (HEERF), acknowledging that $192,342 was allocated “to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and child care).”

How much in emergency grant funds has been distributed to students?

As of

Total Amount Disbursed

Total Number of Students

May 22, 2020



July 6, 2020



August 20, 2020



October 6, 2020




Who is eligible for the Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds?

To be eligible for emergency financial aid grant funding, as outlined under CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1) students must:

As of

Estimated Number of Eligible Students

May 22, 2020


July 6, 2020


August 20, 2020


October 6, 2020




How DID River Valley Community College determine which students received funds?

River Valley Community College (RVCC) asked students to complete a simple application by logging into the Student Information System (SIS).  An email with instructions was sent out to possibly eligible students requesting the student to complete the survey so that RVCC could determine the need of our students.  A deadline of June 5th was set to complete this application process. Priority funding was given to students who completed an application.

All completed surveys were reviewed on June 11, 2020.  From this application process, RVCC determined that 111 students were eligible to receive CARES Act awards.  Eligibility was based on the above requirements, a 2019/2020 FAFSA on file and having self-certified that they were affected by the “disruption of campus operations” due to COVID-19. 







Additional $100 per month



$100 for heat, $100 electricity




Course Materials


For new materials to attend remotely



Additional items needed to be remote

Health Care


Co-pay for specialist



Personal for spring =$900. Divided by 4.5 months=$200.



Additional $75 per month


Cap at $1350


River Valley Community College assumes that all students were affected due to the “disruption of campus operations” and because of this, we awarded $300 each to 12 students of the 111 students who completed the survey but answered “no” to having been disrupted. Additionally, we looked at all enrolled students that did not complete an application as well.  Students that met the criteria above and had completed a 2019/2020 FAFSA were also awarded.  318 students received $250.

For summer 2020 River Valley Community College took the remaining $35, 542 and divided among the eligible summer students who enrolled for Spring 2020 , Summer 2020 and matriculated in an eligible programs.

How did students receive their funds?

Funds were paid directly to students through the Bursar’s Office during the week of June 15, 2020.

Students were sent an email notifying them of their eligibility for the CARES Act Funding from the Financial Aid Office.

Students were sent an email notifying them of the amount of their refund and that the funds would be send to them via Nelnet.  Awarded students may have elected to receive awards via direct deposit by following the “How to Sign Up for Electronic Refunding” process at  

If direct deposit was not set up, HEERF funds were mailed to students at the permanent address on file at the College.


CARES Act Emergency Grants to Students

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)

August 20, 2020

Under  Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,  a total funding allocation was established for River Valley Community College (RVCC),  with at least 50 percent reserved to provide students with emergency financial aid grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.

River Valley Community College submitted a signed “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement”  to the US  Department of Education for the emergency financial aid grants to students portion (HEERF), acknowledging that $192,342 was allocated “to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and child care).”

How much in emergency grant funds has been distributed to students?

As of

Total Amount Disbursed

Total Number of Students

May 22, 2020



July 6, 2020



August 20, 2020



Who is eligible for the Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds?

To be eligible for emergency financial aid grant funding, as outlined under CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1) students must:

As of

Estimated Number of Eligible Students

May 22, 2020


July 6, 2020


August 20, 2020


How DID River Valley Community College determine which students received funds?

River Valley Community College (RVCC) asked students to complete a simple application by logging into the Student Information System (SIS).  An email with instructions was sent out to possibly eligible students requesting the student to complete the survey so that RVCC could determine the need of our students.  A deadline of June 5th was set to complete this application process. Priority funding was given to students who completed an application.

All completed surveys were reviewed on June 11, 2020.  From this application process, RVCC determined that 111 students were eligible to receive CARES Act awards.  Eligibility was based on the above requirements, a 2019/2020 FAFSA on file and having self-certified that they were affected by the “disruption of campus operations” due to COVID-19. 







Additional $100 per month



$100 for heat, $100 electricity




Course Materials


For new materials to attend remotely



Additional items needed to be remote

Health Care


Co-pay for specialist



Personal for spring =$900. Divided by 4.5 months=$200.



Additional $75 per month


Cap at $1350


River Valley Community College assumes that all students were affected due to the “disruption of campus operations” and because of this, we awarded $300 each to 12 students of the 111 students who completed the survey but answered “no” to having been disrupted. Additionally, we looked at all enrolled students that did not complete an application as well.  Students that met the criteria above and had completed a 2019/2020 FAFSA were also awarded.  318 students received $250.

For summer 2020 River Valley Community College took the remaining $35, 542 and divided among the eligible summer students who enrolled for Spring 2020 , Summer 2020 and matriculated in an eligible programs.

How did students receive their funds?

Funds were paid directly to students through the Bursar’s Office during the week of June 15, 2020.

Students were sent an email notifying them of their eligibility for the CARES Act Funding from the Financial Aid Office.

Students were sent an email notifying them of the amount of their refund and that the funds would be send to them via Nelnet.  Awarded students may have elected to receive awards via direct deposit by following the “How to Sign Up for Electronic Refunding” process at  

If direct deposit was not set up, HEERF funds were mailed to students at the permanent address on file at the College.



REPORT on CARES Act Emergency Grants to Students

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)

July 6, 2020

Under  Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,  a total funding allocation was established for River Valley Community College (RVCC),  with at least 50 percent reserved to provide students with emergency financial aid grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.

River Valley Community College submitted a signed “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement”  to the US  Department of Education for the emergency financial aid grants to students portion (HEERF), acknowledging that $192,342 was allocated “to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and child care).”

How much in emergency grant funds has been distributed to students?

As of

Total Amount Disbursed

Total Number of Students

May 22, 2020



July 6, 2020



Who is eligible for the Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds?

To be eligible for emergency financial aid grant funding, as outlined under CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1) students must:

As of

Estimated Number of Eligible Students

May 22, 2020


How DID River Valley Community College determine which students received funds?

River Valley Community College (RVCC) asked students to complete a simple application by logging into the Student Information System (SIS).  An email with instructions was sent out to possibly eligible students requesting the student to complete the survey so that RVCC could determine the need of our students.  A deadline of June 5th was set to complete this application process. Priority funding was given to students who completed an application.

All completed surveys were reviewed on June 11, 2020.  From this application process, RVCC determined that 111 students were eligible to receive CARES Act awards.  Eligibility was based on the above requirements, a 2019/2020 FAFSA on file and having self-certified that they were affected by the “disruption of campus operations” due to COVID-19. 







Additional $100 per month



$100 for heat, $100 electricity




Course Materials


For new materials to attend remotely



Additional items needed to be remote

Health Care


Co-pay for specialist



Personal for spring =$900. Divided by 4.5 months=$200.



Additional $75 per month


Cap at $1350


River Valley Community College assumes that all students were affected due to the “disruption of campus operations” and because of this, we awarded $300 each to 12 students of the 111 students who completed the survey but answered “no” to having been disrupted. Additionally, we looked at all enrolled students that did not complete an application as well.  Students that met the criteria above and had completed a 2019/2020 FAFSA were also awarded.  318 students received $250.

How did students receive their funds?

Funds were paid directly to students through the Bursar’s Office during the week of June 15, 2020.

Students were sent an email notifying them of their eligibility for the CARES Act Funding from the Financial Aid Office.

Students were sent an email notifying them of the amount of their refund and that the funds would be send to them via Nelnet.  Awarded students may have elected to receive awards via direct deposit by following the “How to Sign Up for Electronic Refunding” process at  

If direct deposit was not set up, HEERF funds were mailed to students at the permanent address on file at the College.

Report on CARES Act
Emergency Grants to Students

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)

May 22, 2020

Under Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,  a total funding allocation was established for River Valley Community College (RVCC),  with at least 50 percent reserved to provide students with emergency financial aid grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.

River Valley Community College submitted a signed “Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement”  to the US  Department of Education for the emergency financial aid grants to students portion (HEERF), acknowledging that $192,342 was allocated “to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and child care).”

How much in emergency grant funds have been distributed to students?

As of

Total Amount Disbursed

Total Number of Students

May 22, 2020



Who is eligible for the Emergency Financial Aid Grant funds?

To be eligible for emergency financial aid grant funding, as outlined under CARES Act Section 18004(a)(1) students must:

As of

Estimated Number of Eligible Students

May 22, 2020


As students submit requested information to the College, more students may become eligible.

How will River Valley Community College determine which students will receive funds?

Students must complete a simple application by logging into the Student Information System (SIS). An email with application instructions will be sent to eligible students when available. Grant amounts will vary.

How will students receive their funds?

  • Funds will be paid directly to awarded students through the Bursar’s Office.
  • Awarded students may elect to receive awards via direct deposit by following the “How to Sign Up for Electronic Refunding” process at
  • If direct deposit is not set up, HEERF funds will be mailed to students at the permanent address on file at the College.


Congratulations to River Valley Community College Class of 2020!

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, River Valley Community College was unable to hold its 52nd Commencement on May 15, 2020.

The faculty, staff, and administration are all unbelievably proud of our 2020 graduates, who overcame all obstacles to complete their credential.

We have given all graduates the option to have their diploma mailed to them or delivered in person by President Williams and Vice President Cournoyer during the first week of June.

If social distancing requirements are relaxed or lifted to the extent that we can once again have large gatherings, we hope to hold a celebratory alumni event in the fall.

Should we be able to hold a traditional graduation in May of 2021, all 2020 graduates will be invited to walk.

Again, congratulations to all those who achieved their credential in the midst of a pandemic!

View the graduation video!

March 27, 2020

Building Closure

As you know, the governor has encouraged all of us to stay home as much as possible.  Beginning on Monday, all three of our locations will be closed, and we will have our faculty and staff remote as well.

Food & Technology

The library will continue to coordinate both the food pantry and requests for technology.  To utilize this service, please email Jim Allen in Claremont ([email protected]). Laura Hanson in Keene ([email protected]) or Charlene Ashey in Lebanon ([email protected]).


We will have a graduation.  However, it will not be on May 15th.  Graduates will have their diplomas mailed to them, and we will send out the new Commencement date for late summer/fall as soon as we have it.

We know this is a stressful time.  Please reach out to your Remote Liaison, your advisor, or your program director with any concerns or questions.

Your academic journey and your safety remain our priorities.

All River Valley courses will be delivered remotely through the end of the semester.  We will have limited building hours to allow students to access computers and internet; however, all classes will take place in the online environment. 

What should you do now?

  1. Check your technology. Can you access your student email?  Can you log into SIS and Canvas?  Do you know how to use Zoom?  If you have issues with any of these tools, use the trouble shooting guide below.
  2. Set up a workspace and a schedule.  Where will you work on you courses?  How will you minimize distractions?  Do you need to come to campus or can you complete your work from home?  
  3. Check your courses in Canvas.  Your faculty will be in touch via email and Canvas to let you know what the migration to online means for your specific courses.  Clinical and Fieldwork placements will persist as scheduled.  If there is a change in your placement, your Program Director, Fieldwork Coordinator, or Clinical Coordinator will assist you in navigating this change.
  4. Know your campus contacts. Who is your advisor?  Your professors?  Make sure you have their information so you can reach out to them with questions.  We’ve also assigned you a Remote Liaison who will be checking in with you to answer any questions and help you solve any issues that arise.  They will be reaching out to you next week, so expect their call!
  5. Check the resource list. We know these are stressful times and you should know where to turn when you need something outside of the academic realm.

RVCC will be in touch with ongoing information and support for you.  Please go through the attachments and resources below carefully. This is a challenging time, but also an opportunity to connect and learn in new ways.  River Valley is here to support you, and your academic path remains of utmost importance to us.

River Valley Community College remains committed to our students’ safety and ability to have a successful semester.  While students are on spring break, we are diligently working on moving the majority of classes online. Students should review Canvas and be in contact with their professors for specific details.  At this point we plan to have some classes meet on ground but we will have very specific procedures in place to do so.  We understand that students may not have internet access from home and thus will have our computer labs open to ensure they have a place to complete work. 

Our goal is to provide internet access and classroom instruction in the safest way possible.  More information will be sent out later in the week when plans are finalized.

Our three locations are open this week if students need to come to campus.   Please remain home if you are feeling sick.

We thank you for your understanding and calmness during this difficult time.

The latest communication from the CCSNH Chancellor’s office can be found at

What does this mean for students?

  1. No changes for RVCC@KSC  (Cheshire House will remain open with classes mostly moving online).
  2. Claremont campus, the Lebanon Academic Center, and the Cheshire House are scheduled to be open during spring break.
  3. CCSNH and River Valley will resume classes after spring break.  All students will continue instructional activities in modified (mixed-modal) formats. This may include continued lab and technology-based instruction and greater use of online learning. RVCC professors are dedicated to ensuring academic progress through appropriately modified delivery modes.  Students should check Canvas regularly for updates on how course content will be delivered. 

Again, River Valley is committed to maintaining both the health and safety of our community and the rigor of our academic program.  Please check Canvas, the RVCC website, and student email for updates.  Students should reach out to professors for questions about classes, labs, and clinicals.  Students should reach out to Vice President Jennifer Cournoyer at [email protected] with any questions or concerns about the virus, travel, etc.

In light of the continuing global impact and community transmission of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), and in accordance with public health recommendations, here are important updates designed to protect the RVCC community and ensure the integrity of our students’ education.

Keene State College is moving all classes online for two weeks after spring break (March 23rd through April 3rd)-   We have been working with faculty teaching on Keene’s campus to move RVCC’s Keene classes online as well.  The Cheshire House will remain open for normal services as well as wifi and computer access.

We are encouraging faculty who teach at the Claremont and Lebanon locations to move to other modalities as well. Students should contact their professors for specific guidelines for their classes, labs, and clinicals.

In addition, we ask that all students, staff, and faculty please follow the following guidelines on travel:

You must remain off campus for 14 days of self-quarantine, if you:

  • Traveled outside North America including Europe and Asia
  • Traveled on a cruise ship
  • Traveled to, visited, or spent time in three specific U.S. areas, including the New York City metro area, Seattle metro area, and Southern California.  Additionally, anyone who has traveled to a municipality that has announced active measures to limit community exposure such as closing schools, limiting large gatherings (for example, Westchester and New Rochelle, NY)
  • Traveled to, visited, or spent time in any state with 100 or more individuals who are diagnosed with COVID-19 by the time of return from your trip
  • Have been exposed to a suspected or confirmed carrier of COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19

If you fall into any of the above categories, you are required to self-quarantine at home for 14 days, which is the length of time needed for symptoms of COVID-19 to appear and for a possible diagnosis to be made. These higher risk environments will be updated as we track the progression of COVID-19 so please remain attentive to your RVCC email.

If you have flu-like symptoms, we do not mandate self-quarantine for 14 days, but we do direct that you remain off campus until the symptoms have retreated or you have received medical clearance.

Rest assured that we will continue to prioritize the health and well-being of the River Valley community.  We are monitoring the situation and making adjustments as new information becomes available. You can stay informed by checking email, logging into Canvas, and visiting this site.

For questions about the COVID-19 response at River Valley, please contact Jennifer Cournoyer, Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs at [email protected] or 603.724.4585.

Please find status updates on COVID-19 related to preparedness at NH’s community college campuses at this link:

For questions or concerns, please call 211 or visit  211NH is New Hampshire’s statewide, comprehensive, information and referral service operated by Granite United Way and will replace the current Department of Public Health Hotline for COVID-19 related questions.

Facts about Coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID-19 is a newly identified coronavirus that is causing an outbreak of pneumonia illness. It was first identified in December 2019 in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Since then, the virus has been identified in multiple other countries, including cases in the U.S. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), human coronaviruses are common throughout the world and usually cause mild to moderate illness in people.

This new virus is a public health concern because:

  • It is newly identified, so much is still unknown about it.
  • Two other human coronaviruses, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV, have caused severe illness.


The CDC considers this new virus a public health concern based on current information. However, the immediate health risk to the general US public is considered low at this time. The CDC and the World Health Organization are closely monitoring the situation and providing ongoing guidance.

Symptoms may be flu-like, ranging from mild to serious, and include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing

Person-to-person spread is occurring, although it’s unclear exactly how it is transmitted and how easily the virus spreads between people.

The best way to prevent respiratory illness is to avoid being exposed to viruses. In accordance with the latest best practices from the CDC, we recommend everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty. View Handwashing Handout

According to federal health agencies, if you have symptoms of fever, cough, and/or difficulty breathing in the last 14 days AND

  • Have traveled to China, South Korea, Europe, Iran, or Hong Kong in the past 14 days OR
  • Have had close contact with someone who has traveled to the areas listed above who was ill with respiratory symptoms

You should:

  1. Call 911 if you are having difficulty breathing. Notify emergency services of your recent travel exposures before they arrive.
  2. Contact your healthcare provider before going to their office. 
  3. You can also contact the NH Division of Public Health Services with questions and/or
    concerns at 211 or
  4. Avoid contact with others.
  5. Stay home from work or school if you have a fever or are not feeling well.
  6. Do not travel.
  7. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  8. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
  1. Take your temperature with a thermometer at least two times a day and watch for cough or difficulty breathing. Record your temperature each time.
  2. Stay home from school and work.
  3. Employees: Discuss your work situation with your employer before returning to work to develop any alternative plans for work (e.g., working remotely) and how to report your leave time.
  4. Do not take public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares.
  5. Try not to have any visitors to your house during this time. If you have visitors tell them that you are under possible COVID-19 self-quarantine.
  6. Keep your distance from others (about 6 feet or 2 meters).
  7. If you get sick with fever > 99 degrees F, have cough, shortness of breath, or other signs of respiratory illness, contact the NH Bureau of Infectious Disease Control: 603-271-4496 (after-hours: 603-271-5300) or your local state department of public health and tell them about your symptoms and that you are under possible COVID-19 quarantine. Do not go out in public.
  8. If you need to seek medical care for other reasons (such as necessary infusions, dialysis, lab draws, etc. for other chronic conditions), call ahead to your provider and tell them about your recent travel and quarantine status.
  9. If you have a medical emergency, call 911. Tell them your symptoms and that you are being monitored for possible COVID-19.
  10. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  11. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid spreading the virus to others. If soap and water are not readily available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains 60%-95% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

External Resources

Parent & Caregiver Guide & Resources

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

World Health Organization (WHO)

American College Health Association (ACHA)

United States Department of State

For questions or concerns, please call 211 or visit  211NH is New Hampshire’s statewide, comprehensive, information and referral service operated by Granite United Way and will replace the current Department of Public Health Hotline for COVID-19 related questions.